Stress Management - Beat Stress Before it Beats You!

August 23, 2021
Stress Management — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health

Is stress getting in the way of you achieving your health goals?

Modern living and stress seem to go hand in hand and it may be no surprise to you that the effects of stress can have a significant impact on mental well-being. Nevertheless, you may not know that the effects of stress can impact other body systems potentially hindering the achievement of health goals such as losing weight or improving digestive function, so it is important to understand what the stress response is and how it could affect you.

Fight or Flight - The Ancient Coping Mechanism...

The stress response is an evolutionary strategy to cope with immediate dangers, such as an approaching lion! In response to an external threat, the chemical messengers, adrenaline, cortisol and noradrenaline are released from your adrenal glands, which enables you to either stand and fight or flee as fast as you can. In modern times, the feeling of being under constant stress, whether from work, family or financial pressures is interpreted by your body in the same way and can therefore lead you to be in a permanent state of emergency. This is significant as stress may be the underlying reason for a seemingly unrelated bodily imbalance, such as an inability to digest well when you are under pressure.

What is stress doing to your body?

A chronic state of stress can have widespread negative effects, such as:

  • Poor digestion – reduced digestive secretions can lead to bloating, abdominal pain and reflux.
  • Irregular blood sugar control – cortisol signals the release of sugars into the bloodstream in anticipation that muscles will need fuel to help you run away. These sugar spikes can lead to weight gain if the sugars are not utilised as muscle fuel and instead converted to fat.
  • Hormonal imbalances – lack of libido, menstrual irregularity and fertility issues can all arise when your body switches to making stress hormones in preference to sex hormones.

Breaking the cycle...

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are several nutrients and herbs that can help calm an overactive stress response, which may be hindering you from achieving your health goals. For example, magnesium is essential for the nervous system by supporting the appropriate functioning of your brains chemical messengers, the ‘neurotransmitters’. Magnesium also produces energy, helping you resolve the fatigue that may come with being stressed. A class of herbs known as ‘adaptogens’ may be helpful to increase your body’s physical and mental capacity to cope with stress. Traditional adaptogenic herbs include withania, rehmannia and rhodiola. If stress makes you uptight you may also need anxiolytic herbs, these help reduce feelings of anxiety and promote more restful sleep so you can handle the challenges your day has for you more easily. Passionflower, zizyphus, and magnolia are all anxiolytic herbs that have been extensively studied for their mild sedative and calming effects.

A Life less stressful.

There are a number of lifestyle changes you can employ to help manage your stress and optimise your wellbeing:

  • Eat healthy – lean proteins, antioxidant-rich fresh fruits and vegetables and essential fatty acids from oily fish, nuts and seeds, all nourish your neurotransmitters.
  • Exercise regularly – a fabulous stress buster, exercise helps burn up excess adrenaline whilst releasing the ‘feel good’ chemical messengers, the ‘endorphins’.
  • Get enough sleep (seven to eight hours) – practice good ‘sleep hygiene’ techniques such as no TV or computer time for at least half an hour before bedtime and avoid caffeine in the afternoons.
  • Meditate – particularly helpful if you cannot “switch off” your brain at night. There are numerous techniques available to help calm an overactive mind, such as transcendental meditation, mindfulness and creative visualisation.

Stress is an inevitable part of modern lifestyles, but it needn’t get the better of you nor keep you from reaching your health goals. Consider making an appointment with our Naturopath or Nutritionist to have your specific needs addressed so that you can break the cycle of chronic stress and get back on the path of well-being.

June 20, 2024
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease According to Dementia Australia, dementia is the second leading cause of death of all Australians. Provisional data suggests that dementia will soon be the leading cause of death. It is also the leading cause of death for Australian women. In 2020-2021, 3.7 billion dollars of Australia’s Aged and health care expenditure was spent directly on dementia. This year, 2024, it is estimated that more than 421,000 Australians live with dementia and there are 29,000 people living with early onset dementia, this is people in their 30s to 50’s. More than 1.6 million people are involved in the care of someone living with dementia. 2 in 3 people with dementia are living within the community. According to the AIHW, (Australian Institute Of health Welfare) , most staggeringly is the statistic that two thirds, i.e. 68.1% of aged care residents have moderate to severe cognitive impairment. It is most common in people over the age of 65. There are also many types of dementia including Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, and frontotemporal dementia. Dementia causes a progressive decline in a persons’ functioning. Symptoms of loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and physical functioning. What are the symptoms of dementia? According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare they can be varied. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) is the primary measure within clinical settings in Australia. It assesses a wide range of behaviours, rating severity, frequency, and carer distress for 12 domains. These include: Delusions: an example of this is people are trying to steal from them or are trying to hurt them. Irritability/lability: where a client is irritated or easily disturbed, changeable moods or abnormal impatience. Hallucinations, false visions, or hearing voices Agitation and aggression: they can refuse to cooperate or won’t let people assist or help them. Depression and anxiety: nervous worried and agitated or sad and down Euphoric: can feel abnormally good, an exaggerated mood or finds things to be funny that others do not. Apathy: loss of interest in the world around them, noticeable indifference where once was not. Disinhibited: impulsivity without thinking, abnormal for that person Aberrant motor activity: pacing, repetitive behaviours
A man is sitting at a table with his hands on his head.
May 8, 2024
Why am I anxious? Anxiety and depression, is very common. In fact, 1 in 4 Australian will experience some mental health issues in their lifetime. We can experience anxiety through learnt behaviour, but did you know that anxiety can be down to simple things like basic nutrition. We require specific nutrients to make the neurotransmitters required for optimum brain health. There are quite a few neurotransmitters that play a role in anxiety, the main ones are serotonin, dopamine and GABA. Simply put, we require certain amino acids (sources from protein) like tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine and glutamine, further to this we require folate, B12, B3, B6, iron, zinc and many more nutrients for our pathways to work smoothly and produce what we require. Low iron can cause an increase in anxiety, which is the most common mineral deficiency worldwide. Given that today, our food does not contain the amount of nutrients it once did, we are required to ingest more nutrients. It is actually getting quite hard to get enough nutrition from our food. We also have other factors that can make a difference to how many of our nutrients are available to us, viruses, genetic predispositions where we do not make enough enzymes to optimally use the nutrients we ingest, environmental toxins, environmental factors that cause hormonal disruption, changes in our microbiome and inflammation all can play a role in increased anxiety. Assessing what levels of specific nutrients you have, is a good starting place to understand what you may need to increase. Vitamin D, B12, B6, folate and iron are a great place to start. Some nutrients do not have availability for testing. You may require the help of a naturopath or nutritionist to get a full understanding of what you may require. Avoidance of some basic dietary choices can have a significant impact. For example, reducing refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, processed vegetable oils, found in fried foods and baked goods, gluten and excessive alcohol intake can all increase inflammation and affect your mood. These pathways are intricate and require different nutrient input at different stages, if we are nutrient deplete, we cannot make enough of these neurotransmitters, it is just that simple.
A Young Woman Is Sleeping In Bed — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
March 5, 2024
Is it Endometriosis? Alarmingly it can take between 6 to 8 years to be diagnosed with endometriosis. Given that according to Endometriosis Australia, the recent statistics (AIHW2023) found that 1 in 7, that is 14% of women and girls will be diagnosed with endometriosis by the age of 44 to 49 is astounding. Symptoms can occur as young as 8 years old. Mainly with severe pelvic pain in the pelvis during menstrual periods. You can also feel pain during sex or when you are using the bathroom. Fatigue, bloating, nausea, depression and anxiety are all signs plus issues with infertility are apparent but not always the case. This is a debilitating disease that highly affects ones’ quality of life. The government has recognised that it costs us $9 billion a year on lost productivity. The gold standard of being diagnosed is a laparoscopy and tissue sample taken for evaluation. This is an operation under general anaesthetic. We do not have an easy testing option here. According to the International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2019, there are links to certain bacteria in the gut that play a role in endometriosis. Further research is required to understand the impact of this. It is complex. It is not ‘normal period pain’. It does require tenacity to get a diagnosis and you do not need to suffer in silence or just told to live with it. We see women who are constantly suffering, finding it difficult to conceive and have an awful quality of life. There is much that can be done on an individual level and also in a research capacity. Even without a formal diagnosis there is a lot you can do to help with symptoms, reducing inflammation and a better quality of life. There are many who can help and many resources you can find. Make some noise! Don’t suffer in silence and if they are not listening, find someone else who will.
Dog Looking Out Windows — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
August 23, 2021
Are you Feeling Blue? Here's some tips to improve your outlook. Credit: iStockphoto Your Journey to Greater Mental Wellbeing Mental health disorders are more common than many people realise. It is natural to feel like you are the only one that may be feeling low or experiencing depression, but you are not alone! There are many reasons why you might be feeling blue. Stress, poor health, loss and trauma, and changes in life circumstances can all be triggers for depression. Thankfully, there are some natural medicines and positive lifestyle habits that can help improve your mood and set you on the path to greater mental wellbeing. Extinguish the Fire in your Brain Depression can feel like a fire is smouldering in your brain and without the appropriate support, this fire can get out of control. Inflammation is not just the hot, painful swelling you see and feel when you sprain your ankle. Those same markers of inflammation that increase when you have an injury, can also be present in your brain and body with depression. Addressing this inflammation can be an important aspect of treatment. Our Naturopath John Miller-Cripse is in a prime position to help you to put out your depression fire. It is important that treatment is addressed in a multifaceted approach with appropriate herbs and nutrients, as well as adopting a healthy lifestyle and developing a positive mind. Herbs for Health and Happiness Feeling low or depressed does not have to be a fact of life, and it does not have to be your version of ‘normal’. There are natural medicines that may be beneficial for those with depression which can even be taken safely with antidepressant medication. • Turmeric: this golden herb is not just an ingredient in your Asian cooking. It can act as a potent anti-inflammatory and antidepressant that can help put the fire out in your brain. Curcumin, the active constituent in turmeric, can also increase the size of regions of your brain that promote healthier brain function. • Saffron: considered the most expensive spice in the world, saffron is famous for its yellow dye and delicate perfume. It is an equally useful herbal medicine for managing depression due to its anti-inflammatory actions.  There are many other (traditional) Medicinal Herbs and Supplements used for treating such ailments to include: St John's Wort (the flower & flowering top of the plant only), Withania (Ashwagandha), Rhodiola, Coleus and SAMe. For more information on these herbs contact the clinic or drop in and ask one of our friendly and helpful staff members. Get Moving for a Healthy Mood Did you know that those who exercise have improved brain function and feel happier? Aerobic exercise is also proven to decrease stress hormones, which can exacerbate mood disorders - try running, swimming, walking, or cycling. There are many informal ways of exercising also, such as dancing in your lounge room to your favourite songs! Perhaps you prefer to join a sporting team with work, or a local sporting club such as football, cricket, golf or tennis. Don’t underestimate the power of exercising in a group or with a friend. Social connection and relationship building can be very powerful for improving mental wellbeing. You are more Resilient than you Know Never underestimate your inner strength. If you are facing adversities that are worsening your mood, consider what your ‘silver lining’ may be? It could be a renewed appreciation for life, a realisation of true priorities and friendship, or recognition of how strong you really are. Just remember, when life challenges appear on your path, use it as an opportunity to flourish and grow. Here to lend a Helping Hand With the support of our natural healthcare Practitioner (John Miller-Crispe, a Qualified Naturopath with over 25 years experience), you will be able to develop holistic strategies to help you feel more positive and in control of your situation. As well as supporting you with herbs and nutrients for a healthy mood, our Practitioner can help you adopt a mood-enhancing lifestyle for improved stress management and mental health. Here’s to greater health and happiness!
Healthy Ageing — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
August 23, 2021
That Sounds Like A Silly Question Doesn't It? After all, we have all been conditioned to believe that we wear out as we get older and old age leads to disease, pain and misery – who wants that? Well apparently nearly everyone! How can I say that? Well we seem hell bent on making it happen. We seem to believe that eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle is miserable so we daily do the things that guarantee we will end up having a miserable time in later years – and we do not get out of life what we could along the way. Wellness is not the absence of symptoms. Wellness is feeling the very best you possibly can – ALL the time; enjoying life now and having a great life in your twilight years. There are many societies where people live beyond 100 and are healthy, happy and enjoying life. We have been conned! All the marketing and all the movies, TV shows and medical advertising are aimed at convincing us that the ageing process is one of massive degeneration yet the truth is that it does not have to be this way. You can have a great life now AND a great life in your elder years! Ask yourself; would your life be miserable if you could never have a glass of Coke or Pepsi, ever again? Would your life be over if you could not have another McDonald’s meal or KFC? Would misery be your lot if you were refused cigarettes? Would life be such a drag if you had to eat a healthy nutritious diet of tasty enjoyable foods, get a moderate amount of exercise and get 7-8 hours restful refreshing sleep? If your answer to the above is yes then go for it and enjoy a miserable painful drug filled period towards the end of your life; you will deserve it. However; if you want a great life NOW and a great life in your Senior Years, then you should join our Wellness Program. Yes you can have both. Naturally I am not saying that you will not slow down as you advance through the years, you will. We know that what you can do when you are 18 you can’t at 80 or even 65. But many times the degree of lesser ability is because you have burnt your health and wellness capital unwisely – not getting the real benefit when young and depriving yourself of joy and enjoyment of life as you age. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You can avoid most of the pain of ageing but the earlier you start the better it is. Even though you may have advanced through the years a bit it is not too late to start to improve your life and wellness. Do not be fooled by clever but misleading advertising. You cannot medicate your way out of a problem you ate yourself into, or damaged yourself with poor lifestyle choices. The drugs simply do not work. You can’t use a chemical to repair years of wrong living. If you want to see how well they work visit a Nursing home and look at the true results of Pharmaceutical solutions.  If you want true Wellness, why not contact us and join the next wellness program – you will be glad you did. My name is John Miller-Crispe I am a Naturopath and. I am in my 73rd year and enjoy good health, so I know you can too. I have not done it perfectly and no one ever will but the benefits of a healthy life and diet are great along the way and the benefits towards the end of your life are fantastic. Join me in our next Wellness Program. Contact the clinic today on 02 4721 3198 . It's never too late to start.
Minerals — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
August 23, 2021
Mineral Deficiency. The signs & symptoms to look out for. How important are Minerals? Minerals are involved in virtually all biochemical processes in the human body. They are affected by and affect all other nutrients – vitamins, proteins carbohydrates and fats, so their importance in human health cannot be understated. Not enough of a mineral may threaten survival and also leads to disease and malfunction. Excess amounts of a mineral can adversely affect the way other minerals and nutrients work also leading to illness or death. What are Minerals needed for? Structural support – bones, ligaments, tendons etc. Nerve conductivity – allowing us to feel things and conduct information from various parts of the body to the brain and back. Immunity so we can fight disease and stay healthy. Cellular metabolism – allowing cells to perform their function in the body. Enzyme activity – ensuring that many processes in the body can be performed from digestion to converting other substances such as vitamins into a form we can use. Muscles – making it possible to use muscles and to ensure the muscle has energy and can grow. Endocrine system – making it possible for our glands to do their job. Anti-Oxidants – helping us keep our bodies free of free radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species). DNA function. Water acid/alkaline balance ensuring an environment in our bodies conducive to healthy function. Mineral Deficiency Conditions & Causes Examples of conditions caused by, or contributed to by mineral deficiencies; this is not a complete list by any means. Calcium: Allergies, hyperthyroidism, cramps, anxiety, hyperactivity and insomnia Magnesium: Noise sensitivity, hyperthyroidism, seizures, poor digestion, colitis, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, alcoholism. Potassium: Adrenal insufficiency, hyperparathyroidism, acne, hypothyroidism, fatigue, cardiac irregularity. Iron: Anaemia, palpitations, low protein intake, ADD, B6 deficiency, hypochlorhydria, splitting nails,candida. Copper: Osteoporosis (type 1), hypercholesterolaemia, disc degeneration, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, toxic metal accumulation. Manganese: Glucose intolerance, fatigue, anaemia, hypercholesterolaemia, adrenal insufficiency, weight loss. Zinc: PMS, viruses, candida, diabetes, anorexia, arthritis, poor wound healing, post-partum depression, eclampsia, sterility, macular degeneration, Slow growth. Chromium: Diabetes, glucose intolerance, atherosclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, glycosuria. Molybdenum: Dental caries, oesophageal cancer, bronchial asthma, sulfite sensitivity or allergy, wilsons disease. Selenium: Cataracts, chronic inflammatory conditions, cardiomyopathy, anaemia, poor immunity. These are just some of the conditions contributed to or caused by these minerals being deficient. You can see from this that without knowing the level of the various minerals it is virtually impossible to accurately diagnose the cause of a health condition – or effectively treat it. What causes Mineral Deficiencies? Nutrient deficient soil: If it's not in the soil it can’t be in our food. Food preparation: the way we handle and transport food damages it in many ways. Environmental pollution Heavy metals: such as mercury, lead, aluminium, cadmium, arsenic, beryllium, uranium and antimony. These are found in our soils, water, food additives, vaccines & pharmaceutical medications etc. Illness Medicines Stress Mild and sub-clinical deficiencies: outnumber problems caused by too much of a mineral ten to one. However, it is not only the relative amount of a mineral but also its amount with relation to other minerals or nutrients. You may have plenty of one mineral but because you have too little of another or another is in excess the first mineral cannot do its job. Ratios are important as well as or perhaps even more so than relative amounts. Are your Mineral Levels in Balance? How can you find out? There are various methods of testing for minerals such as: Blood tests to determine how much of each is present in blood. The problem with this is that minerals are distributed into tissue quickly therefore this method does not test tissue levels. Erythrocytes: Cell levels of blood only and only testing one cell type; limited value. Urine: Reveals losses. Shows only losses – doesn’t show mineral stores or absorption. Hair: Reveals long term averages – intracellular analysis. HTMA: (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) testing is the most useful method for testing mineral levels. This preferred method is painless and not intrusive or messy. We offer this specialised testing here in our Naturoapthic Clinic. The test simply requires a sample of hair preferably from the nape of the head taken from close to the scalp. The sample is tested using state of the art ICP-Mass Spectrometry and can test for very minute levels of a mineral down to parts per billion level. Contact us on 4721 3198 to accurately assess your mineral health, or request more information.
Good Food — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
By Kim Tablac August 23, 2021
Emotional Eating and Stress Eating: Why We Love Ice-Cream Emotional Eating. The kind where you sit in front of the TV mindlessly shovelling down a tub of ice-cream after a break-up, can also be related back to endorphins (in the brain) and enkephalins (in the gut). These substances are responsible for an in-built coping strategy within the body that helps us ‘feel numb’ to relieve stress and pain, both physical and emotional. Long-term stress can shut down appetite by wreaking havoc on hormones controlling appetite including cortisol, leptin and ghrelin. What Are We Missing Out On? Nutrient deficiencies should be considered too when it comes to food cravings. Craving salty snacks can indicate a lack of sodium or calcium. Experiencing anxiety and having a hankering for chocolate can be due to a magnesium deficiency. Feeling fatigued with strange cravings to chew on ice or chalk are associated with lack of iron. Up for a Morning Coffee? Are you relying on a coffee fix to perk you up before work? Coffee is an addiction most people can relate to. When consumed, the brain receives a surge of dopamine and endorphins, leaving us wanting more. However, caffeine affects different people differently. A cup of coffee can improve motivation and productivity in one person, and be the source of tension, nervousness, anxiety and ‘the jitters’ in another. How many cups, when and how often you consume these also factor into the equation. A Glass and a Half Full? Planning on kicking your feet up with a glass of bubbly tonight? Beware that alcoholic beverages, especially sweet wines and beer, are high in sugar too! This helps explain why we lose our inhibitions, get loud and rowdy when tipsy or drunk at a party... and why we feel so lousy with a hangover the next morning. Over time, heavy drinking is associated with long-term changes in serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid neurotransmitters (brain chemical messengers) that affect our happiness, appetite and digestion, social interactions and sleep. Gut Feelings The gut-brain connection is an important connection to establish. Signs and symptoms are our brains telling us that something is not quite right. A nervous stomach can present as ‘the runs’ before an exam, or butterflies in your stomach when you get super excited, or an ‘upset stomach’ when you anticipate the worst. It's also little wonder, and no coincidence, that herbal remedies like chamomile work on both the gut and the brain to effectively soothe the stomach pain, calm the nerves, and ease bloating and cramping. Eating Disorders and Addictive Behaviours Eating disorder cycles both influence and are influenced by serotonin and dopamine levels within the brain too. This helps understand how emerging and reinforced behaviours, thoughts and emotions contribute to establishing unhealthy eating habits including food restriction and binge eating. We are programmed to find reward-seeking behaviours to give us the feelings that substitute or compensate for a lack of pleasure, satisfaction and fulfillment that we crave but may be lacking elsewhere in our lives. Eating something that makes us feel good makes us want more of it so we can keep on feeling good: the definition of addiction. Even just the thought of sinking your teeth into a warm cinnamon sugar dusted stick of churros coated in melted chocolate contributes to the desire and addiction by raising dopamine levels in the brain and makes us salivate. Where to Start? But there's more to our moods than eating the right foods. Basic nutrition strategies form the foundation for maintaining good moods consistently. Eating enough food at set regular meal and snack times to form a routine is important to keep blood sugar levels steady. Skipping meals as we forget to eat breakfast rushing out the door on the way to work or taking kids to school makes us hungrier and more likely to overeat at our next meal. Even a poor sleep can affect motivation and decision-making the next day and be the determining factor that makes the difference between resisting temptation and succumbing to cravings. Protein for Staying Power Is mid-afternoon when you lack the most energy? Then perhaps adding in a serve of protein like eggs, chicken, yoghurt and tofu to lunch can help you retain focus and concentration. Foods that boost our moods are rich in protein and help to slow the absorption of carbohydrates in the blood for several hours after eating. Fat Fuelled Omega-3 fatty acids are a well-known therapy offering support in depression, post-natal depression and bipolar disorder. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to regulate serotonin and dopamine availability within the brain. Good sources include fatty fish (mackerel, salmon and sardines) and seeds (chia, help and flaxseeds). Slow and Steady Fibre rich wholefoods and wholegrains slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, meaning that there is a steady release of energy that our bodies can rely on. Brown rice and oats are low glycaemic index (GI) foods that help stabilise our moods and energy. In addition to dietary fibre, these contain B vitamins that support neurotransmitter production, and in converting the sugar we eat into energy we can use. The relationship between food and the mind can be difficult to navigate. Translating the science behind how the body and brain feel in response to what we do and eat is the essential key to wellbeing. If you are hungry to learn and understand more, need help curbing carb cravings, or for holistic mood and mental health support, call and book an appointment today on 02 4721 3198 . References Medical News Today. (2018). What are the best sources of omega-3 [Image]. Retrieved from
Spring — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
August 23, 2021
Do you suffer from Sinus, Hayfever and Congestion? Many people suffer in silence from allergies but allergies are not something that you simply have to put up with! It is possible to manage your allergies naturally. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, persistent cough, wheezing, asthma, headaches, and skin disorders such as eczema. If you have allergies, as well as looking at symptom relief, the underlying causes such as immune imbalances or nutritional deficiencies need to be addressed in order to give you long term relief. Common causes of allergies include reacting to certain foods, food additives and pesticides, grasses and pollens, dust mites, and chemicals in personal products and cleaning products. Herbs and Nutrients to Manage Allergies Naturally Allergies are caused by an immune imbalance. Pharmaceutical medications may help to reduce symptoms but do not address the underlying cause. The following herbs and nutrients may help to manage symptoms of allergies naturally, as well as rebalancing your immune function. Perilla (Perilla frutescens) - Is a herb that is beneficial in the treatment of hayfever, asthma and sinusitis. It can be used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions, particularly of the upper respiratory tract. Atractylodes (Atractylodes lancea) - Is a herb that is beneficial for hayfever, nasal congestion, asthma, and dermatitis. It also helps the immune system to fight colds and respiratory infections. Albizia (Albizia lebbeck) - The anti-allergy properties of the herb albizia are helpful for hayfever, asthma, sinus congestion and allergic skin conditions such as eczema and hives. It also helps to strengthen the lungs and clear mucus. Quercetin - Is a bioflavonoid vitamin that is used for acute or chronic allergies such as hayfever, hives, and asthma. It is also a great antioxidant. Probiotics - There are many different strains of probiotics; the most useful for allergies is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®). This strain has been found to be effective in reducing allergies including eczema. Zinc - Plays a very important role in regulating the immune system and is a common deficiency. Optimal zinc levels are crucial in any allergy treatment. Vitamin C - Boosts the immune system, improves lung function and decreases allergy symptoms. Essential oils - Antimicrobial essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender and thyme used in a sinus spray can provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion that occurs with hayfever and upper respiratory tract infections.  How To Manage Your Allergy Symptoms To help balance your immune system and help you manage your allergy symptoms, follow these simple recommendations: Consider a natural supplement for allergy relief. Avoid any foods that are known allergens. Increase fruit and vegetable intake, particularly those bright in colours, such as berries and capsicum, as they contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients. Avoid processed and refined foods that may contain preservatives and additives. Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water per day to keep the body hydrated. Call us today and start managing your allergies naturally.
Feel Good — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
August 23, 2021
We all want to feel and look our best. The trouble is that we want the whole package, but rarely want to put the required effort in to achieve it. The weight loss industry is a classic example. Everyone has a pill or a system that requires little or no effort and the fat just falls off?? Well, that is what they want you to believe but, honestly, is it believable? Achievable?? We all know that the real answer to that question is NO, yet still we want to believe. There are many experts on the Internet and TV promoting the latest “Miracle Pill” and because they are famous or have a title such as Doctor, or Professor, they are believed without question. Unfortunately rapid weight loss is dangerous to your health; also if too fast, you end up looking like those dogs whose skin is two sizes too big for them, cute on a dog but on a person? I don’t think so.  The other problem with weight loss programs is the plateau effect. This is where things are going well then you stop losing weight and no matter what you do things stay the same. There is a very good reason for this to happen and it can be avoided but you need a professional to guide you. Summer is coming . If you want to look your best in those skimpy summer clothes or cosies on the beach, you need to start now. Being overweight is not just a visual problem. Australia is the fattest country in the world per head of population – not a very flattering title. We used to be known for our lean and tough physiques, now we are the fat and flabby Aussies. So what? Well fat is not just a visual problem. Extra fat means we are also heading to be the Diabetic leaders of the world. Being fatter also means that there is a greater risk of a heart attack, inflammatory diseases, no energy, depression and lousy quality of life. And NO there will never be a pill to cure these. You can lose weight in a healthy way but it requires a practitioner who is schooled in Health and Wellness and that means a Naturopath with strong Nutrition training. A FAT loss program not just a weight loss program is what you need. A program that will not leave you feeling hungry and one that will not see you plateau and will not see the weight go back on after the program is finished. We offer a Guaranteed fat loss program. Yes, guaranteed! If you follow our program exactly as we say we guarantee that you will lose fat. If you want to know more about this give us a call at Abundant Life & Health on 4721 3198
Well Being — Penrith, NSW — Abundant Life & Health
August 23, 2021
Are you well? Many people believe ‘health’ and ‘wellness’ are terms that simply mean being free from disease, but there is so much more to being truly well! Are you really well if you are overweight, forgetful, tired, moody, or have poor skin? What if you suffer from headaches, frequent colds, constipation or bloating? If you regularly experience these symptoms, you may not necessarily have a disease, but you aren’t truly well either. There are steps you can take to escape these frustrating complaints and enjoy true wellness. Diets Fail, Lifestyle Changes Succeed Diet and lifestyle are also extremely important for long-term wellness. How many times have you started a diet with the best of intentions, only to find it too difficult to stick to for more than a few weeks? Let’s be honest, there is only so long you can live on a fad diet. In order to achieve long-term health goals, what you need are positive, realistic and sustainable lifestyle changes. Live Well and Laugh a Lot! Taking regular time out to relax is vital for wellness. Relaxation activities such as yoga, meditation or reading a book increase the levels of ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy. Laughter is the best medicine; seriously! Laughter reduces stress hormones, improves breathing and circulation, and can even improve your immune system. Relaxation and laughter are important additions to any wellness program.  You don’t have to settle for feeling ‘just ok’. You can achieve wellness by making simple, sustainable changes to improve your energy, health and wellbeing over the long-term. Contact us about getting your wellness prescription today!
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